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About Safety.webp

Creating a culture of safety at MTO

We are committed to driving a significant shift in safety culture. Our strategy is to improve safety performance by driving behaviour change through celebrating successes and awareness. It is our safety goal to change mindsets from “My behavior is driven by not wanting to get caught” and “My behavior is driven so I don’t get hurt” to “My behavior is driven so that no one gets hurt”.

Culture change through what we celebrate

We have MTO Safety achievement certificates for excellence, which is awarded to business units that have achieved 12 months without a loss time injury. Of the 35  21 business sites (processing operations and plantations), we have four 10 sites who have achieved this remarkable achievement. Longmore Sawmill recently celebrated 36 months without lost time injury. Our Research Site are on 19 years without a lost time injury.

To help ensure the safety of our teams, every plantation employee is required to attend health and safety courses. Each team has a first aider and a safety representative. Safety representatives meet on a regular basis to ensure that safety is prioritised at MTO.

​Meet Buddy, our safety mascot!

Buddy, our friendly safety mascot, travels across MTO locations reinforcing our commitment to safety. His presence helps keep safety at the forefront of our daily operations.

Our safety culture is summarised in our big five:

  1. Safety First: Every decision is made with safety as the foremost concern.

  2. Zero Tolerance: No compromises on safety standards.

  3. Safety Starts With Me: Personal accountability in all safety matters.

  4. I am My Buddy’s Keeper: Looking out for each other’s safety.

  5. Arrive Alive, Go Home Safely: Ensuring every day ends as safely as it began.

MTO's safety mascot, Buddy - a squirrel with a hardhat and vest - the safety icon
MTO Employee posing with MTO's safety mascot, Buddy
Safety Behavioural Graph

We use the metric of Loss Time Injury Frequency (LTIFR) as an indication of safety performance. The industry acceptable standard is an LTIFR of 3.0. We have proudly maintained LTIFR below 1 for the past few years.

Safety Mascot, Buddy, with pine seedlings
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